Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against thee. – Psalms 119:11

Bible Study

As we come together, another Friday
Seeking Refuge in the Word of God, today
Let us open our hearts, to receive the Seed
And prepare our minds, ready to feed
Pray and come, with the Spirit willing
In the Word of God, is our life fulfilling.

Bible Study Topic: Introduction to the Book of Isaiah
Coordinated By: Sis. Sreedevi Mullagiri

  • Opening Prayer and Worship: 8:00 – 8:45 PM
  • Bible Study: 8:45 – 9:45 PM
  • Closing Prayer and Benediction: 9:45 – 10:00 PM

The meeting starts PROMPTLY at 8:00 PM.

The Book of Isaiah (Hebrew: ספר ישעיה‎, “Sefer Yeshayahu”) is the first of the Latter Prophets in the Hebrew Bible and the first of the Major Prophets in English Bibles. The oldest surviving manuscripts of Isaiah are two scrolls found among the Dead Sea Scrolls; dating from about 150 to 100 BCE.

  • Chapters 1-35 (Prophecies of Judgement)
  • Chapters 36-39 (A brief history of Hezekiah’s salvation, sickness and sin)
  • Chapters 40-66 (Prophecies of comfort and hope)

Themes in Isaiah:

An overriding theme in Isaiah is the plea for God’s people to “wait upon Jehovah”

Purpose of Writing:

The Prophet Isaiah was primarily called to prophesy to the Kingdom of Judah. Judah was going through times of revival and times of rebellion. Judah was threatened with destruction by Assyria and Egypt, but was spared because of God’s mercy. Isaiah proclaimed a message of repentance from sin and hopeful expectation of God’s deliverance in the future.

Reasons to Study the book:

  • It increases faith in Jesus as the Messiah, as one reads the messianic Prophecies that were fulfilled in Him.
  • It strengthens hope in God as the One who is ultimately in control of all things, and will bring His purposes to pass.
  • It inspires love for God and His Messiah, as one reads of the blessings to be found in obedience to God’s Word.
  • It enlarges understanding as to how God ruled in the nations of men in the past, and how Christ may exercise His rule in the nations today.
  • Questions:

    1. What is the purpose of Isaiah writing this book?
    2. What are two major themes running through the book?
    3. What are the reasons to study this book?