Serving God in newness of the Spirit
Theme: Serving God in newness of the Spirit.
Theme: Serving God in newness of the Spirit.
Theme: Rebuild, Restore, Renew. Are your gates burned, Come let’s rebuild the walls.
Centering on God’s Word for our Salvation, our Sanctification, our Supplications, our Self, our Surroundings (Homes).
Event: Revival Meetings 2011
Theme: Believer’s Purpose (John 15:6)
All believers have been given the same ultimate divine purpose for their own lives, which is already ordained by God’s Word. Whether a believer is a minister, a housewife, a young adult, or even a brand new born again believer, every believer is called and appointed to go and bear fruit-fruit that will last and as an “Ambassador for Christ” (II Cor. 5:20)
Event: Revival Meetings 2009
Theme: Christ’s Disciples Today (John 15: 7-8)
In John 15:7-8, the Bible states a clear rule: discipleship is key to leading a practical, fruitful
Christian life. What are the demands of discipleship in this day and age? Does discipleship mean just “following the rules” or does it require something more fundamental – perhaps even transformational -to our way of thinking?
The search for answers to these questions will cause us to examine our hearts. The answers themselves will lead to repentance and forgiveness. At the end, we will be at a point where we are ready to develop a deeper, more intimate and more meaningful relationship with the Lord which will result in fruitful Christian living.
Event: Retreat Meetings 2008
Theme: Determine to be Holy
Like Daniel determined not to defile himself or to be holy, to put it positively (Dan. 1: 8), we should determine to be holy, because we are living as Christians in a non-Christian or secular world and we are called to be God’s representatives and witnesses (Matt. 5: 13-16; Acts 1: 8). We are in the world, but not of the world (John 17: 13-19). The world or people around us can recognize the uniqueness of Christ and Christianity and pay attention to the gospel, only when they see the difference Christ has made in our lives. Christian character – what we show in life is the best authentication of the Christian communication – what we say with our lips (John 13: 33-35; 17: 20-23). When Christ’s holiness is seen in us, that is, in our daily lives, then people will take our gospel and us seriously. However, unfortunately, holiness seems to be the one thing that is largely missing in Christian living. That is why our theme, “Determine to be Holy,” is so important and timely and we should put our minds, hearts, and souls (total beings) in the study and application of the truths concerning holiness and go from here with a determination to be holy.